Kill the Engine (2016) directed by Derek Frey
Three broken men decide to kill themselves by carbon monoxide poisoning, but the group suicide is foiled when the vehicle of their demise fails to start.
Motel Providence (2015) directed by Derek Frey
A cheating counselor working out of a sleazy motel room tests the boundaries of his own advice after a client’s startling revelation.
Sky Blue Collar (2013) directed by Derek Frey
A businessman and a carpet installer enjoy a wild and playful friendship, but when their class-conscious bosses pressure them to steer clear of each other, the Romeo and Juliet of the workaday world must decide what’s more important: how we make a living, or who we’re living for.
The Ballad of Sandeep (2011) directed by Derek Frey
After his job is outsourced to Bangalore, ambitious programmer Sandeep Majumdar sets up a remote access in his apartment, tricking his former company into believing that he is really working from India.
The Lonely Professor 2 (2010)
A thief never comes.
America's Game (2009) directed by Derek Frey
Mr. Caruth believes that baseball and America are one and the same, held fast by the rosin of nostalgia. From a hilltop vista, Mr. Caruth narrates the whole history of the game, but his retrospective is brushed back when fate throws him a wild pitch, threatening the future of both the man and the myth he holds so dear.
The Lollipop (2008)
How many licks?
In Vino Veritas (2008)
When two bankers attempt to foreclose on a derelict row home, they discover Settimio—an ageless Italian winemaker—squatting in the cellar. Backed against a wall by the ruthless medigon, Settimio counters with the weapon of choice of all paesano in distress: Dago red.
Heavy Breathing (2008)
Reach out and stalk someone.
Mike and Paul (2008)
Roommates Mike and Paul used to be friends, but that was a long time ago. After living together for so many years, they’ve grown tired of each other’s company, and now exist in separate yet similar worlds. The only thing that keeps them from moving out and finding places of their own: visitors.
4th and 99 (2007) directed by Derek Frey
Just minutes after losing the biggest game of the year, all-state receiver Bobby Makefield takes to the turf again in a one-on-one overtime shocker. Driven to the edge by his referee father, Bobby squares off against the winning team's golden boy and Mr. Makefield's newest protégé, Tommy Johnson.
U.F.F. (2005)
At the Unwed Father’s Foundation, we believe that a man is a terrible thing to waste.
Sexual Genius (2005)
Savants don’t always have to be good at math. They can be good at finding G-spots too.
Stripper Come Home (2005)
Two uncles throw their nephew an X-rated birthday party. Things go south when the entertainment arrives. A squeamish dancer and her menacing bodyguard force the men to take up arms—and hearts—against the night’s unpleasant course.
We Were Boys (2004)
No matter how many burdens he shoulders, no matter how many offspring he fathers, no matter how many jobs he holds down, a man is nothing more than a twelve-year-old boy trapped in an oversized body. Shot entirely on location in Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania, We Were Boys follows four man-children as they push, puff, and pedal their way to the brink of nostalgia—and beyond!
The Most Important Meal of the Day (2004)
The FDA's Annual Report on Healthy Eating Habits states that recovering drug addicts who eat breakfast are more likely to stay sober than those who do not. For the outpatient high on skipping, researchers provide a list of hassle-free start-me-ups, including oatmeal and yogurt. Nowhere on the list does it say anything about microwave burritos. Que lastima!
The Devil's Handyman (2003)
To the homophobic eyes of Tim the carpet man, America is a frightening place, an Iraq of sexual confusion. As angry as he is afraid, Tim goes through life screaming mad, desperately punching at rainbows. He has vowed to do whatever it takes to straighten his little world, even if that means dropping his drawers and selling his hole to the Devil.
The Gay Pill (2003)
Doctors have never heard of it. Pharmacies don’t carry it. T.V. and radio aren’t advertising it. It’s the Gay Pill, and it’s only available in Chinatown.
The Lonely Professor (2003)
For the past six years, Alan Witkowski has dined alone: one place setting, one bottle of suds, one lonely teardrop. Out of step and out of ideas, the Professor invites Greg—a pizza deliveryman—to dinner. Squirm as these strangers sup on sandwiches. Cringe as their talk gets smaller and smaller. Wince as it all comes crashing down.
Cageman (2003)
The creative team at Lifelike Entertainment has a theory about violent video games: they shouldn’t be complicated. While the successful completion of a dangerous mission can be rewarding, it doesn’t hold a candle to blowing someone’s face off with a double-barreled shotgun. This high-on-bullets-low-on-concept approach enabled Lifelike to pump out a record number of games in 2003, among them such hits as Baby Cops, Point Blank Sniper, and their most popular release, Cageman.
The Golden Pants (2003)
Not since Jason's Golden Fleece has a gilded garment meant so much to one man. Join Captain Hawaii and his first mate Freduardo on their backwater journey to find these fabled trousers.
Party Animals (2003)
Larry Larzboil is the original party animal. He’ll do whatever it takes to win the approval of his dickhead friends, Art, Pep, and Genny. But when they pit him against Breadcrumb, a fellow party animal, in a crudely planned eat-off, he snaps on his friends-cum-oppressors and reveals his true nature.
Popcorn (2002)
Non-microwaveable, and better for it.
Cigs Kill Everyone (2002)
Big tobacco, small apartment.
Tanqueray & Sleuth (2002)
Phillip Marlowe gets Dashiell Hammered in this pukey homage to the detective genre.
Bagfoot (2001)
If America is the most charitable nation in the world, how come we treat our homeless people like shit?